Writing & CV


  • “Revolution” and “We don’t Swim” (poems) – Barrelhouse Magazine – Forthcoming  in 2016
  • Interview – Black Lawrence Press Sapling – July 2012
  • A Conversation with SpringGun Press – IO Poetry – May 2012
  • Tahoe Blues – Fiction – Spring 2012
  • Versal – Poems – Spring 2012
  • “A Different Kind of Book” (Essay)- About A Word, 2011
  • Spine Road – Poems – 2011
  • University of Alberta’s “Day in the Life of a Digital Humanist” contributor – 2011
  • Drunken Boat – Featured of “Poemedia” live installation – 2011
  • Trickhouse – Video art – 2010
  • Titmouse Magazine (print) – Poems – 2010
  • Palimpsest (print) – Poems – 2009
  • Umbrella Factory Magazine – Poems – 2009
  • Crash – Poems – 2009
  • Edge – Poems – 2008
  • The Chronicle for Higher Education – Article on Study Abroad – 2008

Marketing and PR

Web Copy


  • Annual Jovanovich Imaginative Writing Prize, University of Colorado Boulder – 2010
  • Annual Issue Lab Remix Contest Winner, Creative Commons/Issue Lab – 2009
  • Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize Contestant for UC Davis, University of California and The Ina Coolbrith Circle -2005
  • Recipient of the Tomales Bay Writers Workshop Fellowship in Poetry, Davis, CA – 2005

Performance and Shows

  • Every Afternoon A Dialogue by Gertrude Stein: A Poetic Performance  — GASP, Denver, CO —April 2013
  • Sweet by Leslie Scalapino: A Poetic Performance  — GASP, Denver, CO —  October, 2012
  • Poemedia: A Live Remix  — MLA Off-site ELO Event, Seattle, Washington — January, 2012
  • Poemedia: A Multimedia Installation  — Epoetry Festival, Buffalo New York — May, 2011
  • Poemedia: A Multimedia Installation  Black Box Theater University of Colorado, Boulder — October 2010


Invited Talks

  • “Electronic Publishing” —Lighthouse Writers Workshop —June, 2013
  • Bad Shadow Affair Reading Series, Denver, CO  — November, 2012
  • Leon Reading Series — Denver, CO  — November, 2012
  • Versal AWP Off-Site Reading — Chicago, IL — February, 2012
  • “Small Press Publishing” — Counterpath, Dnver, CO — 2011
  • “(Re) Publishing Print and Electronic Literature” — Epoetry Festival, Buffalo New York — May, 2011
  • “Cross disciplinary teaching” —Graduate Pedagogy Workshop —— October, 2011
